Servings: 9 quart jars
- Large saucepan or pot – for hot pack method only
- Large mixing bowl
- Fermentation container(s) and weight(s)
- Clean bath towel or tight-weave cheesecloth
- Quart size canning jars and lids
- Water Bath canning pot and lid
- 25 pounds Cabbage (firm, whole heads)
- ¾ cup Canning salt
Making the Sauerkraut (fermentation)
** Working with ≈ 5lbs of cabbage at a time **
- Rinse cabbage heads under cold water and drain, discard outermost leaves.
- Cut into quarters – remove cores and discard.
- Slice into shreds, about the thickness of a 25-cent coin.
- Into large bowl, combine with 3 Tablespoons of salt.
- Mix thoroughly, pressing firmly until salt draws juice from cabbage.
- Pack tightly into fermentation container.
- Repeat steps 1–6 until all cabbage is in container or container is full – rim should be ≥ 4–5 inches above cabbage.
- Add weight at top to keep cabbage compressed; salted cabbage juice should cover over the top.** Additional brine is needed if salted cabbage juice does not cover **
- Mix 1 Tablespoon of salt per quart of water needed to cover.
- Boil brine mixture and cool before adding to cabbage.** Ideal fermenting temp is between 60°F – 75°F **
- Cover fermentation container with clean bath towel or cheesecloth.
- Store in cool area away from direct sunlight while fermenting. ≈ 3–4 weeks @ 70°F – 75°F / ≈ 5–6 weeks @ 60°F – 65°F
- Fermentation is complete when bubbling ceases.Using jars for weight? Check and remove scum 2–3 times a week.Using brine bags for weight? Do not disturb until fermentation is complete.
- Store in fridge or follow canning procedure for shelf storage.
Packing the Jars for Canning – choose HOT PACK or RAW PACK
~ Always sterilize canning jars and lids just before using ~
- HOT PACK - Bring sauerkraut and liquid to boil in large pot; stir frequently.RAW PACK - Skip this step.
- Pack firmly into jars; leave ½-inch headspace.
- Wipe jar rims and threads.
- Adjust lids and begin canning.
- Water Bath CanningHOT PACK - (pint jars) 10 minutes, (quart jars) 15 minutesRAW PACK - (pint jars) 20 minutes, (quart jars) 25 minutes